Monday, December 15, 2008


SIL just called to let us know that SHE is expecting. Only about 4 weeks though so please don't tell anyone as they are only telling MIL & FIL, and BIL and his wife. Really???? Okay...I could see if you were telling everybody and wanted to maybe give us a heads up since we will see the WHOLE family at Xmas...but if you aren't then why call the IF couple who are going through IVF, who don't know yet whether or not it worked and even if we did know we still have another week of betas before we know all is okay? I have always had problems with her and BIL's wife now that the 2 of them are buddies...but I just think it's a little inconsiderate on her part. I mean she doesn't even talk to dh and I so it's not like we are all so close and she was so excited to share her news with us. We will be due within like a week of each other...I guess the only good thing is now that her daughter is having a baby...MIL will leave me alone!! I'm glad she got pregnant with no problems, but seriously do any of these people have even half a brain???? She claims she is only having I hope she has a happy, healthy baby boy : )

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